Everyday sayings everyone gets wrong

1. "Blood is thicker than water" - The full saying is actually "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb," meaning that relationships formed by choice are stronger than those based on biology.

2. "I could care less" - The correct phrase is actually "I couldn't care less," indicating that you have no interest or concern in the matter.

3. "For all intensive purposes" - The correct phrase is "For all intents and purposes," meaning for all practical or functional purposes.

4. "Nip it in the butt" - The correct phrase is "Nip it in the bud," meaning to stop something at an early stage before it can develop further.

5. "One in the same" - The correct phrase is "One and the same," meaning two things are identical or indistinguishable.

6. "Begs the question" - Many people use this phrase to mean "raises the question," but in formal logic, it actually refers to a circular argument where the conclusion is assumed in the premise.

7. "You've got another thing coming" - The correct phrase is "You've got another think coming," meaning that someone's expectations or beliefs are mistaken.

8. "Beck and call" - The correct phrase is "Beckon call," meaning to be at someone's immediate service or disposal.

9. "Case and point" - The correct phrase is "Case in point," used to introduce an example that supports an argument or statement.

10. "I could of" - The correct phrase is "I could have," using the auxiliary verb "have" instead of "of" after a modal verb.

Above is Everyday sayings everyone gets wrong.

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