Evil eye quotes and sayings

1. "The evil eye is a curse believed to be cast by a malevolent glare, usually given to a person when they are unaware."

2. "Protect yourself from the evil eye, for it can bring harm and misfortune to those who are not vigilant."

3. "The evil eye is like a dark cloud that hovers over those who are envious and full of malice."

4. "Ward off the evil eye with positivity and good energy, for it cannot penetrate a shield of light."

5. "Beware the gaze of envy, for it can cast a shadow of negativity upon your life."

6. "The evil eye is a reminder to stay humble and grateful, for arrogance and pride can attract negative energy."

7. "Do not underestimate the power of the evil eye, for it can manifest in unexpected ways and bring chaos to your life."

8. "Protect your loved ones from the evil eye by surrounding them with love, positivity, and good intentions."

9. "The evil eye thrives on negativity and jealousy, so be mindful of the energy you project into the world."

10. "In the face of the evil eye, stand strong and confident in your own worth and abilities, for no curse can break a spirit that is resilient and true."

Above is Evil eye quotes and sayings.

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