Ex smoker sayings

1. "I don't smoke anymore, but I still miss it sometimes."

2. "Quitting smoking was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but also one of the best decisions."

3. "I used to think I needed cigarettes to cope with stress, but now I realize I can handle it without them."

4. "Being smoke-free feels like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders."

5. "I never thought I could quit, but here I am, smoke-free and proud."

6. "Every day without a cigarette is a small victory for me."

7. "I may have been a smoker in the past, but I'm a non-smoker now and that's what matters."

8. "I've come a long way from being a smoker, and I'm never going back."

9. "Quitting smoking was tough, but it's worth it for my health and well-being."

10. "I used to think cigarettes were my friend, but now I see they were my enemy all along."

Above is Ex smoker sayings.

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