Extremely negative sayings

1. "Life is a never-ending cycle of disappointment and pain."

2. "Hope is just a cruel illusion that leads to heartbreak."

3. "The world is a dark and unforgiving place, full of suffering and despair."

4. "Love is a lie that only brings betrayal and heartache."

5. "Success is just a fleeting moment before failure inevitably takes its place."

6. "Happiness is a fleeting illusion that always fades into sadness."

7. "Trust is a foolish mistake that only leads to betrayal and hurt."

8. "Dreams are just fantasies that will never come true, leaving you empty and broken."

9. "The future is bleak and hopeless, with no chance for redemption or joy."

10. "No matter how hard you try, you will always end up alone and miserable."

Above is Extremely negative sayings.

Cute letterboard sayings

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