Facts about embarrassment sayings

1. "Blushing is the color of virtue." - Diogenes

2. "Embarrassment is the price of sincerity." - Unknown

3. "The only thing more embarrassing than being caught in a lie is being caught in a lie by a person who is not even important." - Unknown

4. "Embarrassment is the feeling you get when your awkwardness is on display for all to see." - Unknown

5. "Embarrassment is the feeling you get when you realize that everyone else knew something that you didn't." - Unknown

6. "Embarrassment is the feeling you get when you realize you've been making a fool of yourself without even knowing it." - Unknown

7. "Embarrassment is the feeling you get when you realize you've been caught in a moment of vulnerability." - Unknown

8. "Embarrassment is the feeling you get when you realize you've been wrong about something and everyone else knows it." - Unknown

9. "Embarrassment is the feeling you get when you realize you've been acting like a fool and now everyone knows it." - Unknown

10. "Embarrassment is the feeling you get when you realize you've been the butt of a joke and you didn't even know it." - Unknown

Above is Facts about embarrassment sayings.

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