Fake family quotes and sayings

1. "Family is like a fudge, mostly sweet with a few nuts."

2. "Family: where life begins and love never ends... until someone needs money."

3. "Family: the only place where you can be yourself... unless you're embarrassing."

4. "In our family, we don't hide crazy, we put it on display for everyone to see."

5. "Family: the ones who drive you crazy but also keep you sane."

6. "Blood makes you related, loyalty makes you family... or so they say."

7. "Family: the only place where you can fight with each other and still love each other unconditionally."

8. "Home is where the heart is, but family is where the drama is."

9. "Family: the ones who know all your flaws but love you anyway."

10. "Family: the original drama queens and kings."

Above is Fake family quotes and sayings.

Best security sayings

1. Security is not a product, but a process. - Bruce Schneier2. The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards. - Gene Spafford3. Security is a journey, not a destination. - Unknown4. You are only as stron

Famous quotes sayings a word time

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. - William PennLost time is never found again. - Benjamin FranklinTime is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.' - Lao TzuTime is the most valuable thing a man can spend. - TheophrastusTime is the wise

Army sayings hough

Embrace the suck.

Famous japanese sayings

1. Fall seven times, stand up eight. - 七転び八起き (Nanakorobi yaoki)2. Even monkeys fall from trees. - 猿も木から落ちる (Saru mo ki kara ochiru)3. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down. - 出る釘は打たれる (Deru kugi wa utareru)4. One kind word can warm three winter months. - 一言の仁ありて三冬暖む (Ichigon no jin ar

Beautiful sayings for mother memorial

1. A mother's love is forever etched in our hearts, guiding us through life's journey.2. In loving memory of a mother who touched so many lives with her kindness and grace.3. A mother's love is a beacon of light that continues to shine even in her absence.4. Though you may be gone, your love

Cute dog sayings for valentines day

1. You're the paw-fect Valentine!2. I woof you more than treats!3. My love for you is fur-ever.4. You make my tail wag with happiness.5. You're the leash to my heart.6. I'm mutts about you!7. You're the cuddle buddy to my heart.8. I love you to the moon and bark.9. You're my favorit

Modern christmas sayings

1. Tis the season to be jolly!2. Merry and bright, all through the night.3. May your days be merry and bright.4. Christmas magic is in the air.5. Jingle all the way!6. Wishing you peace, love, and joy this Christmas.7. Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas!8. Believe in the magic of Christmas.9.

Cute drawn sayings

1. You are my sunshine2. Love you to the moon and back3. You are my happy place4. You make my heart smile5. You are my favorite adventure6. You are purr-fect7. You are my cup of tea8. You are the sprinkles on my ice cream9. You are my happy ending10. You are the bee's knees

30th birthday card sayings sister

1. To my amazing sister on her 30th birthday - may this year be filled with love, laughter, and all the happiness you deserve.2. Happy 30th birthday to the best sister in the world! Here's to many more years of fun and unforgettable memories.3. Sister, you are truly one of a kind. Wishing you a

Wedding sayings poems

Here are a few wedding sayings and poems that you may find inspiring for your special day:1. Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one. - John Keats2. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle3. From this day forward, you shall not walk alone. M