Fall prevention sayings

1. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

2. "Better safe than sorry."

3. "Don't wait until it's too late to prevent a fall."

4. "Prevention is the best medicine."

5. "Stay on your feet, stay safe."

6. "A fall can happen in a split second, prevention is key."

7. "Take steps to prevent falls before they happen."

8. "Don't let a fall be your downfall."

9. "Prevent falls, protect your future."

10. "Stay steady, stay safe."

Above is Fall prevention sayings.

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Phrases or sayings

1. Actions speak louder than words.2. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.3. A penny for your thoughts.4. Bite the bullet.5. Every cloud has a silver lining.6. Don't cry over spilled milk.7. A stitch in time saves nine.8. The early bird catches the worm.9. All's fair in love

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1. Back in my day...2. When I was your age...3. I remember when...4. Kids these days...5. I walked uphill both ways to school in the snow.6. A penny saved is a penny earned.7. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.8. Good things come to those who wait.9. The early bird catches

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Painters sayings

1. Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks. - Plutarch2. Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures. - Henry Ward Beecher3. I dream my painting and I paint my dream. - Vincent van Gogh4. Art is the lie that enables us to real