Famous basque sayings
1. "Gure aitak, gure herria, gure esku dago." (Our fathers, our country, it is in our hands.)
2. "Gaua da, eguna da." (Night is for sleeping, day is for working.)
3. "Ez da egia dena oroitzeko, baina oroitzeko dena egia da." (Not everything you remember is true, but everything true is remembered.)
4. "Aurrera begirakoak, atzera begirakoak baino gehiago ikusten dute." (Those who look forward see more than those who look back.)
5. "Aitak, amak, adiskideak, hirurak baino gehiago ez dira behar." (Fathers, mothers, friends, you don't need more than three.)
6. "Aitak gizon bat da, amak, hiru." (A father is one man, a mother is three.)
7. "Ez da gizonik, ezta emakumeik ere, bere buruari buruz ematen ez duena." (A man or a woman who does not respect themselves is not respected by others.)
8. "Bizi garenak, bizi izan gaitezen." (Let us live so that we may live.)
9. "Gauza on baten bila, ez duzu asko ibili behar." (If you are looking for something good, you don't have to go far.)
10. "Ez da gauza onik, ezta onik pentsatzen ez duena." (Nothing is good if one does not think it is good.)
Above is Famous basque sayings.