Famous finland sayings

1. "Sisu" - This Finnish word embodies the concept of resilience, determination, and perseverance in the face of adversity.

2. "Kippis!" - This is a common Finnish toast, meaning "Cheers!"

3. "Ei hätää" - This phrase translates to "No worries" or "Don't worry" in English, reflecting the Finnish attitude of staying calm and composed in difficult situations.

4. "Parempi pyy pivossa kuin kymmenen oksalla" - This Finnish proverb translates to "Better a bird in the hand than ten on a branch," emphasizing the value of what is already in one's possession.

5. "Hyvää päivänjatkoa" - This phrase is used to wish someone a good day or good continuation of the day.

6. "Kun menee sutta pakoon, tulee karhu vastaan" - This Finnish saying translates to "When you run away from a wolf, you run into a bear," warning against escaping one problem only to encounter a bigger one.

7. "Ei kannata itkeä maitoa kaatuneen perään" - This proverb means "There's no use crying over spilled milk," advising against dwelling on past mistakes or misfortunes.

8. "Kuka kissan hännän nostaa, se kissan hännän laskee" - This saying translates to "Whoever lifts the cat's tail, must lower it," meaning that one must take responsibility for their actions.

9. "Ei tyhjästä kannata kantaa huolta" - This Finnish proverb means "There's no point in worrying about nothing," encouraging people not to stress over trivial matters.

10. "Kun menee metsään, niin menee metsään" - This saying translates to "When you go into the forest, you go into the forest," implying that sometimes things don't go as planned and it's best to accept it.

Above is Famous finland sayings.

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