Famous newfoundland sayings

1. "Stay where you're to 'til I comes where you're at." - A humorous way of telling someone to stay put until you are ready to meet them.

2. "Long may your big jib draw." - A traditional Newfoundland blessing wishing someone good fortune and success.

3. "You can't tell the ocean to be calm." - A reminder that some things are beyond our control and we must learn to adapt and accept them.

4. "The weather's on the turn." - A common phrase used to indicate that the weather is changing.

5. "You're some good, boy!" - A compliment expressing admiration or approval of someone's actions or character.

6. "B'y, I'm after tellin' ya." - A phrase used to emphasize that the speaker is about to share important information or a story.

7. "Don't be gettin' on like a big tomcat." - A warning to someone not to act arrogantly or aggressively.

8. "A sight for sore eyes." - A phrase used to express joy or relief upon seeing someone or something pleasant.

9. "God love a duck!" - An exclamation of surprise or disbelief.

10. "What's for ye won't pass ye by." - A saying that suggests fate or destiny will ensure that what is meant for you will come to you.

Above is Famous newfoundland sayings.

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