Famous nz sayings

1. "Sweet as" - used to express agreement or approval, similar to "cool" or "awesome".

2. "She'll be right" - expressing confidence that everything will be okay.

3. "Kia ora" - a Maori greeting meaning "hello" or "welcome".

4. "Chur bro" - a casual way of saying "thanks, mate".

5. "Good as gold" - indicating that something is in good order or satisfactory.

6. "Yeah, nah" - a common response meaning "no" or "I don't think so".

7. "Choice bro" - expressing approval or agreement.

8. "Bugger" - a mild expletive used to express disappointment or frustration.

9. "Hard yakka" - referring to hard work or physical labor.

10. "Tiki tour" - taking a scenic or roundabout route to a destination.

Above is Famous nz sayings.

Common priest sayings

1. God works in mysterious ways.2. Have faith and trust in God's plan.3. Pray without ceasing.4. Let go and let God.5. God never gives us more than we can handle.6. Love thy neighbor as thyself.7. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.8. God's timing is perfect.9. Trust in the L

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Doea the sayings

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80th birthday sayings

1. 80 years young and still going strong!2. Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, and joy on your 80th birthday.3. May your 80th birthday be as special as you are.4. Celebrating 80 years of wisdom, grace, and love.5. 80 years of memories, laughter, and love. Here's to many more!6.

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1. Pretty in pink, fierce in green, AKA is the best you've ever seen!2. Skeewee to my sorors, we're the finest in the land!3. Excellence is our aim, AKA is our name!4. Sisterhood, scholarship, and service - AKA is where it's at!5. Pink and green, the colors of grace, AKA sisters in every pl

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Accountability sayings

1. Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to results. - Brian Tracy2. It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable. - Moliere3. Take responsibility for your actions and be accountable for your results. - Unknown4. Accountability breeds response-

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