Famous pirate sayings and quotes

1. "Dead men tell no tales." - Unknown

2. "A pirate's life for me." - Unknown

3. "Shiver me timbers!" - Unknown

4. "Take what you can, give nothing back." - Pirates of the Caribbean

5. "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." - Pirates of the Caribbean

6. "A pirate is not judged by the loot he takes, but by the treasure he brings back." - Edward Teach (Blackbeard)

7. "I am a pirate, you are a princess; we could sail the seven seas and never come back." - Unknown

8. "The sea is a fickle mistress." - Unknown

9. "I'm not a hero, I'm a pirate. Heroes do what the rules say. Pirates do what is right." - Unknown

10. "The code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules." - Pirates of the Caribbean

Above is Famous pirate sayings and quotes.

18th wedding anniversary sayings

1. 18 years of love, laughter, and memories. Happy anniversary!2. Through thick and thin, we've stood by each other. Here's to many more years of love and happiness.3. Cheers to 18 years of marriage and a lifetime of love ahead.4. 18 years down, forever to go. Happy anniversary to my one and

Child's never big of their mother sayings

Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life.

Half marathon sayings

1. Pain is temporary, pride is forever.2. The half is only half the challenge.3. Mind over miles.4. Run the mile you're in.5. Run with your heart, finish with your soul.6. The body achieves what the mind believes.7. Every mile is a victory.8. Run like you stole it.9. Run now, wine l

Cliche dj sayings

1. Are you ready to get this party started?2. Let's pump up the volume and make some noise!3. I'm about to drop the beat, so get ready to move your feet!4. Let's keep the energy high and the music flowing!5. Time to turn up the bass and feel the rhythm!6. I've got the tunes that will make

Beautiful sayings about spring

1. Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!' - Robin Williams2. No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. - Hal Borland3. Spring is a time of rebirth, renewal, and rejuvenation. - Unknown4. Spring is the time of plans and projects. - Leo Tolstoy5. Spring breathes new life in

Family first quotes and sayings

1. Family is not an important thing, it's everything. - Michael J. Fox2. Family is the anchor that holds us through life's storms. 3. In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony. - Friedrich Nietzsche4. Family i

French pirate sayings

1. À l'abordage! (Boarding!)2. Mille sabords! (A thousand portholes!)3. Sacrebleu! (Holy blue!)4. À la vie, à la mort! (To life, to death!)5. En avant moussaillons! (Forward, sailors!)6. Capitaine au rapport! (Captain to the report!)7. Par le kraken! (By the kraken!)8. La mer est notr

Chinese sayings that say i'm sorry

1. 对不起 (duì bù qǐ) - I'm sorry2. 抱歉 (bào qiàn) - Sorry3. 不好意思 (bù hǎo yì si) - I'm sorry / Excuse me4. 请原谅 (qǐng yuán liàng) - Please forgive me5. 我错了 (wǒ cuò le) - I was wrong

App to make your own sayings

There are several apps available that allow you to create your own sayings or quotes. Here are a few options you can consider:1. Canva: Canva is a popular graphic design platform that offers a wide range of templates for creating custom sayings or quotes. You can choose from various fonts, colors, a

60 year old birthday funny sayings

1. At 60, you're not old - you're a classic!2. 60 is the new 40...until you try to bend over!3. Happy 60th birthday! Remember, age is just a number...a really big number.4. 60 years young and still fabulous!5. Turning 60 is like turning 21 in Celsius!6. They say life begins at 60...I say