Famous punjabi sayings

1. "Jithe jaye balle balle, jithe na jaye balle balle" - Wherever you go, say balle balle; if you can't go, say balle balle.

2. "Jatt di pasand, vakhra swag" - The Jatt's choice is different swag.

3. "Putt jattan de, ne gabru" - The sons of Jatts are brave and fearless.

4. "Jithe da kalla, othe hi khad da" - Where the crow sits, that's where it pecks.

5. "Pind diyan gallan, pind diyan yaadan" - The village talks, the village memories.

6. "Jatt da attitude, 100 watt da" - The Jatt's attitude is like 100 watts.

7. "Paggan ne sharab diyan do botlan, jatt ne yaariyan ton vadhiyan" - Turbans have two bottles of alcohol, but the Jatt's friendships are greater.

8. "Jatt di pasand, jatt di shaan" - The Jatt's choice is the Jatt's pride.

9. "Jatt da munda, shokeen jeha" - The Jatt's son is full of enthusiasm.

10. "Pind diyan yaadan, jatt di pasand" - Memories of the village, the Jatt's choice.

Above is Famous punjabi sayings.

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