Famous romantic sayings

1. "You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear." - Oscar Wilde

2. "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." - Aristotle

3. "I have waited for this opportunity for more than half a century, to repeat to you once again my vow of eternal fidelity and everlasting love." - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

4. "The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds." - Nicholas Sparks

5. "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." - Mother Teresa

6. "To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything." - T. Tolis

7. "Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it." - Nicholas Sparks

8. "In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine." - Maya Angelou

9. "Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination." - Voltaire

10. "The greatest happiness you can have is knowing that you do not necessarily require happiness." - William Saroyan

Above is Famous romantic sayings.

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