Famous sayings of aristotle on revolution

Aristotle did not specifically address revolution in his works, but he did write about political change and the stability of governments. One of his famous sayings related to this topic is:

"Revolution is the result of an unresolved conflict between the rulers and the ruled."

This quote reflects Aristotle's belief that revolutions often occur when there is a breakdown in the relationship between those in power and the citizens they govern.

Above is Famous sayings of aristotle on revolution.

Old sayings and where they originated

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away - This saying dates back to 1866 and was first recorded in the publication Notes and Queries. It is believed to have originated from the Welsh proverb Eat an apple on going to bed, and you'll keep the doctor from earning his bread.2. Bite the bullet - Th

Sayings about parrots

1. A parrot's beauty is in its feathers, but its intelligence is in its words.2. A parrot may repeat what it hears, but it takes a wise person to understand its true meaning.3. Like a parrot, speak only when your words are more beautiful than silence.4. A parrot's mimicry is a reflection of t

Cute bear sayings for shirts

1. Bear hugs and kisses2. Bear with me3. Beary cute4. Don't poke the bear5. Bear necessities6. Bear hugs are the best hugs7. Bear-ly awake8. Bear-y sweet9. Bear hugs, not drugs10. Bear-y happy

Noon sayings

1. Noon is a time of day when the sun is at its highest point in the sky, shining brightly and casting a warm glow on everything it touches.2. At noon, the world seems to pause for a moment, as if taking a breath before continuing on with the day.3. They say that the early bird catches the worm

Explanations for common sayings

1. Break the ice: This saying means to initiate a conversation or interaction in order to make people feel more comfortable and open up. It is often used in social situations where people may feel awkward or hesitant to start talking.2. Bite the bullet: This saying refers to facing a difficult o

Don't sugarcoat it sayings

Tell it like it is.

Creek sayings

1. Still waters run deep.2. Don't cross the creek until you come to it.3. You can't step into the same creek twice.4. A creek is never the same from one day to the next.5. Don't build your house too close to the creek.6. The creek knows its own way.7. Smooth waters run deep.8. A creek

Anarhcist sayings

1. No gods, no masters.2. Property is theft.3. The state is violence.4. Freedom is the only law.5. Solidarity, not charity.6. Question everything, especially authority.7. Revolt against the system, not each other.8. The only true power is collective power.9. Direct action gets the g

Realms of credibility sayings

1. Trust is the currency of credibility. - Stephen Covey2. Credibility is like virginity. You only get to lose it once. - Unknown3. Credibility is a leader's most valuable asset. - John C. Maxwell4. Credibility is earned over time, and it is built on a foundation of consistency and integrity.

Disappointment quotes and sayings

1. Disappointment is a sort of bankruptcy - the bankruptcy of a soul that expends too much in hope and expectation. - Eric Hoffer2. Disappointment to a noble soul is what cold water is to burning metal; it strengthens, tempers, intensifies, but never destroys it. - Eliza Tabor3. Disappointment