Famous viking sayings

1. "Fear not death, for the hour of your doom is set and none may escape it." - Viking proverb

2. "Better to fight and fall than to live without hope." - Viking proverb

3. "A man should be loyal to his friends, but never against himself." - Viking proverb

4. "The brave man well shall fight and win, though dull his blade may be." - Viking proverb

5. "It is better to stand and fight. If you run, you'll only die tired." - Viking proverb

6. "The wind may blow and the rain may fall, but a true Viking stands tall through it all." - Viking proverb

7. "The wise man is armed in his mind and his heart." - Viking proverb

8. "Do not be afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still." - Viking proverb

9. "A true warrior is not afraid to face the storm, for he knows it is in the storm that he will find his strength." - Viking proverb

10. "Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay its price." - Viking proverb

Above is Famous viking sayings.

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