Farewell maori sayings

1. "Haere ra, e te whānau." (Farewell, family.)

2. "E noho rā, e hoa." (Farewell, friend.)

3. "Mauri ora ki a koe." (Good health to you.)

4. "Hei konā, hei konā." (Until we meet again.)

5. "Whakarongo ki te tangi a te manu, tītiro ki ngā āhuatanga o te wā." (Listen to the cry of the bird, look at the signs of the times.)

6. "Ka kite anō." (See you again.)

7. "E hoki ki ō maunga kia purea koe e ngā hau a Tāwhirimātea." (Return to your mountain to be cleansed by the winds of Tāwhirimātea.)

8. "Hei kona, e hika." (Goodbye, my friend.)

9. "E noho rā, e te tau." (Farewell, my love.)

10. "Mā te wā." (Until next time.)

Above is Farewell maori sayings.

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