Fathers day card sayings funny

1. "Dad, thanks for always pretending to know everything even when you have no clue. Happy Father's Day!"

2. "To the man who taught me that 'Dad jokes' are a legitimate form of humor. Happy Father's Day!"

3. "Dad, you may not be a superhero, but you're pretty close. Thanks for always saving the day. Happy Father's Day!"

4. "I smile because you're my dad. I laugh because there's nothing you can do about it. Happy Father's Day!"

5. "Dad, thanks for teaching me that it's okay to make mistakes, as long as we can laugh about them later. Happy Father's Day!"

6. "To the man who always knows how to make me laugh, even when I'm feeling down. Happy Father's Day!"

7. "Dad, you're the reason I have such a great sense of humor. Thanks for passing down your wit and charm. Happy Father's Day!"

8. "Thanks for always being the funniest guy in the room, Dad. Happy Father's Day!"

9. "Dad, you're not just a father, you're a comedian in disguise. Happy Father's Day!"

10. "To the man who never fails to make me laugh, even when I'm trying to be serious. Happy Father's Day!"

Above is Fathers day card sayings funny.

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