Fathers day sayings for kids

1. "Dad, you're my hero and my best friend. Happy Father's Day!"

2. "I love you to the moon and back, Dad. Happy Father's Day!"

3. "Dad, you're the coolest! Thanks for always being there for me. Happy Father's Day!"

4. "I'm so lucky to have a dad like you. Happy Father's Day!"

5. "Dad, you're the best dad in the whole world. Happy Father's Day!"

6. "Thanks for all the fun times and great memories, Dad. Happy Father's Day!"

7. "Dad, you're my rock and my role model. Happy Father's Day!"

8. "I may be small, but my love for you is big, Dad. Happy Father's Day!"

9. "Dad, you're the greatest. Happy Father's Day!"

10. "I'm so grateful for everything you do, Dad. Happy Father's Day!"

Above is Fathers day sayings for kids.

Starfish sayings

1. Be a starfish in a sea of fish.2. Just keep swimming, like a starfish in the ocean.3. Embrace your uniqueness, like the arms of a starfish.4. Stay flexible and adaptable, like a starfish's limbs.5. Find your inner strength, like a starfish clinging to a rock.6. Sometimes you have to le

Childly love quotes and sayings

1. A child's love is like a ray of sunshine that brightens up your day. 2. Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see. - Neil Postman3. The love of a child is the purest form of love, unconditional and boundless. 4. Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life.

Longevity quotes and sayings

1. The art of living is the art of knowing how to grow old gracefully. - Unknown2. Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. - Mark Twain3. The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes. - Frank Lloyd Wright4. The secret of long life is to keep busy, to k

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Adult christmas sayings

1. Christmas is a time for joy, laughter, and making memories with loved ones.2. May your Christmas be filled with love, peace, and happiness.3. Wishing you a holiday season full of blessings and good cheer.4. Christmas is a time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the new one wit

Confidence sayings about yourself

1. I am confident in my abilities and trust in my own judgment.2. I believe in myself and my potential to achieve great things.3. I am resilient and capable of overcoming any challenges that come my way.4. I exude self-assurance and radiate positivity in all that I do.5. I am secure in who

1920s birthday card sayings

1. Happy Birthday! May your day be filled with joy, laughter, and good times just like the roaring 20s!2. Cheers to another year of fabulousness! May your birthday be as glamorous as a Gatsby party.3. On your special day, may you be surrounded by loved ones and may your heart be as full as a sp

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Sayings how are you getting on

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To die with imaan sayings

Here are some sayings related to dying with faith (imaan):1. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un (Verily we belong to Allah, and verily to Him we shall return)2. Allahumma inni as'aluka husn al-khatimah (O Allah, I ask You for a good end)3. La ilaha illallah (There is no god but Allah)4. Alla