Fifa slang sayings

1. "Sweaty goal" - Refers to a goal scored in a cheap or easy way, often by exploiting game mechanics or using pacey players to run past defenders.

2. "Park the bus" - When a player adopts a defensive strategy by crowding their own penalty area with defenders to prevent the opponent from scoring.

3. "OP" (Overpowered) - Used to describe players or tactics that are considered too strong or effective in the game.

4. "Scripting" - The belief that the game's outcome is predetermined or influenced by the game itself, rather than player skill.

5. "Rage quit" - When a player abruptly leaves a game in frustration or anger after conceding a goal or facing a difficult opponent.

6. "Pace abuse" - Relies heavily on fast players to outrun defenders and create scoring opportunities.

7. "Skill move spamming" - Repeatedly using fancy dribbling moves or skill moves to try and beat opponents, often seen as unsportsmanlike.

8. "Packed" - Refers to getting a valuable or rare player in a pack opening, usually met with excitement.

9. "FUT" (FIFA Ultimate Team) - The popular game mode where players build their dream team by collecting player cards and competing in online matches.

10. "Squad battles" - A single-player mode in FIFA where players compete against AI-controlled teams to earn rewards based on their performance.

Above is Fifa slang sayings.

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