Finnish sayings about home

1. "Koti on siellä missä sydän on." (Home is where the heart is.)

2. "Koti on linnasi." (Home is your castle.)

3. "Koti on paikka, jossa voit olla oma itsesi." (Home is a place where you can be yourself.)

4. "Kotiin päin on aina lyhyin matka." (The shortest way is always towards home.)

5. "Kotiin kun käännyt, niin onnen löydät." (When you turn towards home, you will find happiness.)

6. "Koti on paras paikka maailmassa." (Home is the best place in the world.)

7. "Kotiin paluu on aina ilon hetki." (Returning home is always a joyful moment.)

8. "Kotiin on aina mukava palata." (It's always nice to return home.)

9. "Kotiin kun tulet, kaikki on hyvin." (When you come home, everything is fine.)

10. "Koti on turvapaikka elämän myrskyissä." (Home is a refuge in the storms of life.)

Above is Finnish sayings about home.

In the end quotes and sayings

1. In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take. - Unknown2. In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln3. In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - Martin Luther King Jr.4.

Tumblr short quotes and sayings

1. Be a voice, not an echo.2. She was a storm, not the kind you run from, the kind you chase.3. In a world full of trends, I want to remain a classic.4. Stars can't shine without darkness.5. Do small things with great love.6. She believed she could, so she did.7. Stay wild, moon child.

Make your own wall sayings

Embrace the journey, trust the process.

Birthday girl sayings

1. Birthday girl, living her best life!2. Another year older, another year fabulous!3. Birthday girl, aging like fine wine.4. She leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes.5. Birthday girl, making memories and taking names.6. Age is just a number, but fabulousness is forever.7. Birthday

Sayings with the word more

1. Less is more.2. The more, the merrier.3. More haste, less speed.4. More bang for your buck.5. The more you give, the more you get.6. More than meets the eye.7. More bark than bite.8. More of the same.9. More power to you.10. More is lost by indecision than wrong decision.

Clever sayings about voting

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Happy new year sayings wishes

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Famous sayings from clueless

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