Flight attendant sayings before takeoff

1. "Ladies and gentlemen, please ensure your seatbelt is securely fastened and your tray table is in the upright position."

2. "In the unlikely event of an emergency, oxygen masks will drop from the overhead compartments. Please secure your own mask before assisting others."

3. "We will be dimming the cabin lights for takeoff, so please adjust your personal reading lights accordingly."

4. "Please make sure all electronic devices are in airplane mode and securely stowed for takeoff."

5. "Thank you for choosing to fly with us today. We hope you have a pleasant flight."

Above is Flight attendant sayings before takeoff.

Sayings like living the dream

1. Living the dream2. Living the good life3. Living in paradise4. Living the high life5. Living the dream life6. Living the life of luxury7. Living the life of Riley8. Living the perfect life9. Living the dream come true10. Living the dream of a lifetime

Best bond sayings

1. The name's Bond, James Bond.2. Shaken, not stirred.3. I expect you to die.4. The world is not enough.5. You only live twice.6. Diamonds are forever.7. Live and let die.8. Never say never again.9. A martini. Shaken, not stirred.10. 007 reporting for duty.

Cheer bear sayings

1. Keep smiling, it makes the world a brighter place!2. Spread kindness like confetti!3. Happiness is contagious, so pass it on!4. Believe in yourself and anything is possible!5. When life gives you rain, splash in the puddles!6. Every day is a new chance to be happy!7. Don't worry, be

Artist that sketches characters and has sayings on wood

One artist that fits this description is Jonna Jinton. She is known for her sketches of characters and inspirational sayings on wood. Her work often features mystical and nature-inspired themes, and she has a large following on social media for her unique style.

July 1st sayings or

July 1st: A new month, a fresh start, and endless possibilities ahead.

Christian sayings for healing and healing prayers

1. The Lord is my healer, I trust in His power to bring healing to my body and soul.2. May God's healing touch bring comfort and restoration to those in need.3. Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. - Jeremiah 17:144. By His wounds,

Before and after meal japanese sayings

Before a meal, the Japanese often say itadakimasu, which translates to I humbly receive. This phrase expresses gratitude for the food and the effort that went into preparing it.After a meal, the Japanese typically say gochisousama deshita, which can be translated as thank you for the meal. T

Short funny sayings about life and happiness

1. Life is short, smile while you still have teeth.2. Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it eludes you.3. Life is too short to be serious all the time. So, if you can't laugh at yourself, call me, I'll laugh at you.4. Happiness is not having what you want, but want

Class of 2020 sayings covid

1. Class of 2020: Making history in the midst of a pandemic.2. Quarantined but not forgotten: Class of 2020.3. Socially distant but emotionally connected: Class of 2020.4. We may be apart, but we're still in each other's hearts: Class of 2020.5. Stronger together, even when we're apart: Cla

His and her sayings

Here are some sayings that are commonly associated with his and her:1. His bark is worse than his bite.2. Her beauty is more than skin deep.3. His actions speak louder than words.4. Her laughter is infectious.5. His heart is in the right place.6. Her kindness knows no bounds.7. His