Flinstones sayings

Here are some popular sayings from the Flintstones cartoon:

1. "Yabba dabba doo!" - Fred Flintstone's catchphrase

2. "Wilmaaaa!" - Fred's call for his wife

3. "It's a living!" - Said by Barney Rubble when he's not thrilled about his job

4. "Have a gay old time!" - The show's closing theme song

5. "Bam-Bam!" - The name of the Rubbles' adopted son

6. "Let's rock and roll!" - Fred's enthusiastic phrase

7. "I'm a happy-go-lucky fella!" - Fred's self-description

8. "I'll make it up to you, Wilma, I promise!" - Fred's attempt to make amends with his wife

9. "Yabba dabba delicious!" - A play on Fred's catchphrase for food-related situations

10. "I'm a Flintstone, you're a Rubble!" - Fred's reminder of their friendship with Barney

Above is Flinstones sayings.

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1. Nie ma tego złego, co by na dobre nie wyszło. - Every cloud has a silver lining.2. Co nagle, to po diable. - Haste makes waste.3. Kto pyta, nie błądzi. - He who asks, doesn't stray.4. Gdzie dwóch się bije, tam trzeci korzysta. - When two quarrel, the third one gains.5. Kto rano w