Floating the river sayings

1. "Just go with the flow."

2. "Life is but a river, ride the waves."

3. "Let the current guide you."

4. "Drifting down the river of life."

5. "Smooth sailing on the river."

6. "Go where the river takes you."

7. "Enjoy the ride, don't fight the tide."

8. "Floating on cloud nine."

9. "Let your worries float away."

10. "Finding peace on the river."

Above is Floating the river sayings.

Short funny mexican sayings

1. Más vale tarde que nunca, pero nunca llegues tarde a una fiesta mexicana.2. No es lo mismo llamar al diablo que verlo venir.3. Más vale pájaro en mano que cien volando, pero si son tacos, mejor los cien volando.4. No dejes para mañana lo que puedas comer hoy, especialmente si son tacos.5.

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1. Congratulations on your new home! May it be filled with love, laughter, and happy memories.2. Wishing you all the best in your new home. May it be a place of peace and joy.3. Here's to new beginnings in your beautiful new home. May it be a place of comfort and happiness.4. Congratulations

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1. Stick like glue.2. Stick like a barnacle.3. Stick like a leech.4. Stick like a burr.5. Stick like a tick.6. Stick like a magnet.7. Stick like a fly to honey.8. Stick like a limpet.9. Stick like a burdock.10. Stick like a cocklebur.

Famous masonic sayings

1. Ordo ab Chao - Order out of Chaos2. As above, so below3. Freemasonry: Making good men better4. Brotherly love, relief, and truth5. In the East, wisdom; in the West, strength; in the South, beauty; and in the North, silence6. To be one, ask one7. Faith, Hope, and Charity8. In the qu

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Spring break 2011 quotes and sayings

1. Spring break is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!' - Robin Williams2. Spring break: the time of year when you can trade your textbooks for a beach towel. 3. Life is better in flip flops and sunglasses during spring break. 4. Spring break is a state of mind, not just a week off school.