Florida sayings

1. "Bless your heart" - used to express sympathy or pity

2. "Gator bait" - a term used to refer to someone who is not very smart or who is in trouble

3. "Sunshine State" - nickname for Florida due to its sunny weather

4. "Alligator arms" - used to describe someone who is unwilling to reach into their pockets to pay for something

5. "Crazy as a loon" - used to describe someone who is acting irrational or strange

6. "Florida snow" - a term used to describe the white sand found on Florida beaches

7. "Swamp Yankee" - a term used to describe a person from the northern states who moves to Florida

8. "Salt life" - a term used to describe the lifestyle of those who live near the ocean or enjoy activities on the water

9. "Y'all come back now, ya hear?" - a friendly way of saying goodbye and inviting someone to return

10. "Florida Cracker" - a term used to describe a native Floridian

Above is Florida sayings.

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