Flower delivery card sayings

1. "Sending you a bouquet of love and happiness."

2. "Wishing you a blooming day filled with joy."

3. "May these flowers brighten your day as you brighten mine."

4. "In every petal, a wish for your happiness."

5. "Just like these flowers, you bring beauty to my life."

6. "Thinking of you and sending you a little piece of nature's beauty."

7. "May these flowers remind you of how special you are to me."

8. "Sending you a garden of good thoughts and warm wishes."

9. "Hope these flowers bring a smile to your face and warmth to your heart."

10. "Just a little something to brighten your day and let you know you're in my thoughts."

Above is Flower delivery card sayings.

Ghost sayings

1. I see dead people.2. Boo!3. I'll be watching you.4. I am the ghost in the machine.5. You can't escape me.6. I haunt these halls.7. I am the whisper in the wind.8. Beware the spirits that linger.9. I am the shadow in the night.10. The dead do not rest easy.

Birthday sayings for guys

1. Aging like fine wine, happy birthday!2. Another year older, another year wiser. Happy birthday!3. Cheers to another year of adventures and memories. Happy birthday!4. You're not getting older, you're leveling up. Happy birthday!5. Here's to a year filled with laughter, love, and success.

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