Folk sayings from sicily

1. "Cu' nun tia' sape, nun tia' mancu." (If you don't know, don't even try.)

2. "A' malatu ca' nun mori, nun sani." (Don't heal the sick person who doesn't want to get better.)

3. "Lu tempu passa, ma nun cancia." (Time passes, but it doesn't change.)

4. "Cu' nun fa' lu' saccu, fa' lu' saccu, fa' lu' pani." (If you don't make the sack, you can't make the bread.)

5. "Cu' nun tia' fa', nun tia' di'." (If you don't know how to do it, don't say it.)

6. "A' mala nova, nun si' cchiù tosto." (Don't be too quick to believe bad news.)

7. "Lu' pani di' matina si' cchiù bonu." (The bread of the morning is the best.)

8. "A' malatu ca' nun mori, si' cchiù cunzolusu." (The sick person who doesn't die becomes more cunning.)

9. "Cu' nun tia' fa', nun tia' comanda." (If you don't know how to do it, don't give orders.)

10. "A' malatu ca' nun mori, nun si' cchiù cunfortatu." (The sick person who doesn't die is not comforted.)

Above is Folk sayings from sicily.

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