Food sayings in other languages

1. French: "Manger comme un ogre" (Eat like an ogre) - to eat a lot

2. Italian: "Mangiare come un lupo" (Eat like a wolf) - to eat voraciously

3. Spanish: "Barriga llena, corazón contento" (Full stomach, happy heart) - being content after a good meal

4. German: "Das Auge isst mit" (The eye eats as well) - presentation is important in food

5. Japanese: "Hara hachi bu" (Eat until you are 80% full) - promoting moderation in eating

6. Chinese: "米饭能解渴" (Rice can quench thirst) - highlighting the importance of staple foods

7. Russian: "Любишь кататься, люби и саночки возить" (If you like to sled, you should like to carry the sleds) - you have to take the good with the bad

8. Arabic: "الشهية تأكل العقل" (Appetite eats the mind) - when you're hungry, you can't think straight.

Above is Food sayings in other languages.

Church signs sayings for stewardship

1. God doesn't need your money, but your heart does. Give generously.2. Stewardship is not just about giving, it's about living.3. Invest in eternity: give generously to God's work.4. God has entrusted us with resources, let's use them wisely for His kingdom.5. Stewardship is a reflection o

Butterflies with sayings

1. Spread your wings and fly.2. Embrace change and transformation.3. Find beauty in every moment.4. Be colorful and vibrant.5. Flutter with grace and elegance.6. Life is short, make it sweet.7. Chase your dreams like a butterfly.8. Let go of what weighs you down.9. Happiness is a bu

Constitution sayings

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Britiish sayings and what they mean

1. Bob's your uncle - This phrase is used to indicate that something will be successful or easy to accomplish. It is similar to saying there you go or that's it.2. Chuffed to bits - This means to be extremely pleased or delighted about something.3. It's not my cup of tea - This means that

Pregnancy loss quotes sayings

1. A moment in my arms, forever in my heart.2. Some people only dream of angels, we held one in our arms.3. You were a tiny flower, too beautiful for this earth.4. An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth, then whispered as she closed the book, 'too beautiful for earth.'5. Yo

Funny halloween sayings about skeletons

1. Why did the skeleton go to the party alone? Because he had no body to go with!2. What do you call a skeleton who won't work? Lazy bones!3. Why did the skeleton cross the road? To get to the body shop!4. Skeletons make great dancers because they have all the right moves... literally!5. Wh

Dino birthday sayings

1. Have a dino-mite birthday!2. Roar into another year of awesomeness!3. Wishing you a prehistoric birthday full of fun and excitement!4. Hope your birthday is as epic as a T-Rex!5. May your birthday be filled with Jurassic-sized happiness!6. Party like a dinosaur on your special day!7.

Sayings ripple

1. A single act of kindness can create ripples of positivity that spread far and wide.2. Like a stone thrown into a pond, our actions create ripples that can have lasting effects.3. Life is like a ripple in the water, constantly moving and changing.4. Every choice we make sends out ripples in

Sayings with names

1. As wise as Solomon.2. As brave as Achilles.3. As patient as Job.4. As strong as Hercules.5. As beautiful as Helen of Troy.6. As cunning as Odysseus.7. As loyal as Ruth.8. As generous as King Midas.9. As determined as Joan of Arc.10. As peaceful as Gandhi.

Common mexican sayings to bad kids

1. Niño malcriado, niño desgraciado. (Spoiled child, unhappy child.)2. Al niño malo, la vara corta. (For the bad child, the short stick.)3. Niño travieso, diablo en casa. (Mischievous child, devil at home.)4. A niño malo, oreja larga. (For the bad child, long ears.)5. Niño mal portado, niño