Food sayings in spanish

1. "Barriga llena, corazón contento" (Full stomach, happy heart)

2. "El amor entra por la cocina" (Love enters through the kitchen)

3. "A falta de pan, buenas son tortas" (In the absence of bread, cakes are good)

4. "Más vale tarde que nunca" (Better late than never)

5. "Del plato a la boca se cae la sopa" (From the plate to the mouth, the soup falls)

6. "No hay mal que por bien no venga" (Every cloud has a silver lining)

7. "El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta" (He who tries to do everything, accomplishes nothing)

8. "A buen hambre no hay pan duro" (Hunger is the best sauce)

9. "Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente" (The shrimp that falls asleep, gets carried away by the current)

10. "Más vale maña que fuerza" (Skill is better than strength)

Above is Food sayings in spanish.

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