Forbidden love sayings

1. "Our love is a secret that must remain hidden, like a forbidden fruit."

2. "In the shadows of society, our love blooms, forbidden yet unyielding."

3. "We are two souls entwined in a love that society deems forbidden."

4. "Our love is a flame that burns bright in the darkness of society's disapproval."

5. "Forbidden love is the sweetest poison, intoxicating yet dangerous."

6. "They may try to tear us apart, but our forbidden love will always endure."

7. "In a world that condemns us, our love shines like a forbidden gem."

8. "Forbidden love is a bittersweet symphony, filled with longing and desire."

9. "We are two hearts beating as one, in a love that is forbidden but true."

10. "They may call it forbidden, but to us, it is the most pure and genuine love."

Above is Forbidden love sayings.

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