Fortune cookie sayings for valentines day

1. "Love is the greatest gift of all."

2. "You are my sunshine on a cloudy day."

3. "True love is worth waiting for."

4. "Love is like a butterfly, it settles upon you when you least expect it."

5. "Cherish the moments with the one you love."

6. "Love is the key to unlocking happiness."

7. "You are the missing piece to my puzzle of life."

8. "Love is a journey, not a destination."

9. "May your heart be filled with love and joy."

10. "Love is the language that everyone understands."

Above is Fortune cookie sayings for valentines day.

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1. Epilepsy is a condition, not a curse. 2. Epilepsy is just a part of who I am, not all of who I am. 3. Having epilepsy doesn't make me weak, it makes me strong. 4. Epilepsy may be a challenge, but it doesn't define me. 5. I have epilepsy, but epilepsy doesn't have me. 6. Living with epi