Francisco pizarro sayings

1. "For what men call 'conquest' is much more easily gained with words than with weapons."

2. "Fortune is like glass—the brighter the glitter, the more easily broken."

3. "I came to serve God and the king, and also to get rich as all men want to do."

4. "We have come here to serve God and the king, and also to get rich."

5. "I came here to serve God and the king, and also to get rich."

6. "We have come to conquer this land in the name of God and the king."

7. "We have come to bring the light of Christianity to these heathen lands."

8. "We have come to bring civilization to these barbaric lands."

9. "We have come to bring the blessings of our culture to these savage people."

10. "We have come to bring the benefits of our advanced civilization to these backward peoples."

Above is Francisco pizarro sayings.

How to write sayings in quotation

To write sayings in quotation marks, simply enclose the saying within double quotation marks ( ). For example, if the saying is Actions speak louder than words, you would write it as: Actions speak louder than words.

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