Franco e ciccio funny sayings

Franco and Ciccio were a popular Italian comedy duo known for their hilarious and witty sayings. Here are some of their funny sayings:

1. "Se non è vero, è ben trovato" (If it's not true, it's well invented)

2. "Chi non lavora non fa l'amore" (He who doesn't work, doesn't make love)

3. "Meglio un uovo oggi che una gallina domani" (Better an egg today than a chicken tomorrow)

4. "Non c'è due senza tre" (There's no two without three)

5. "Chi dorme non piglia pesci" (He who sleeps doesn't catch fish)

6. "Chi la dura la vince" (He who persists, wins)

7. "L'abito non fa il monaco" (The clothes don't make the monk)

8. "Chi trova un amico, trova un tesoro" (He who finds a friend, finds a treasure)

These sayings are just a few examples of the humor and wit that Franco and Ciccio brought to their comedy sketches and movies.

Above is Franco e ciccio funny sayings.

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