Frankie howerd up pompeii sayings

Frankie Howerd was a British comedian known for his role in the TV show "Up Pompeii!" Here are some of his famous sayings from the show:

1. "Titter ye not!"

2. "Ooh, no missus!"

3. "Infamy, infamy, they've all got it in for me!"

4. "I'm in the wrong play!"

5. "Nay, nay, and thrice nay!"

6. "Oh, please yourselves!"

7. "Lay on, Macduff!"

8. "A funny thing happened on the way to the forum..."

9. "Titter ye a little bit more!"

10. "You can't fool me, I'm a eunuch!"

Above is Frankie howerd up pompeii sayings.

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