Frappuccino sayings

1. "Life is short, stay awake for it."

2. "Sip happens, just drink a Frappuccino."

3. "Coffee is my love language."

4. "Keep calm and drink a Frappuccino."

5. "Coffee is always a good idea."

6. "Happiness is a sip away."

7. "But first, coffee."

8. "Fueling dreams one sip at a time."

9. "Coffee is my superpower."

10. "May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short."

Above is Frappuccino sayings.

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Buddhas sayings in chinese

Here are some famous sayings attributed to Buddha in Chinese:1. 一切皆有因果,因果循环不息。2. 不可多言,不可少言,不可不言。3. 愿你如意,愿你平安,愿你快乐。4. 众生皆苦,苦因贪欲。5. 世间万物,皆为幻相。6. 以爱心对待一切众生。7. 修行在于当下,悟道在于自心。8. 以慈悲心待人,以智慧心看世界。9. 放下执着,心即自在。10. 悟道者,无欲无求,心如止水。

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Holy spirit quotes and sayings

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