Fred sandford sayings

Fred G. Sanford, often referred to as "Fred Sanford," is a fictional character from the television show "Sanford and Son." Some of his famous sayings include:

1. "You big dummy!"

2. "Elizabeth, I'm coming to join you, honey!"

3. "It's the big one! I'm coming, Elizabeth!"

4. "I'm coming, Elizabeth! This is the big one!"

5. "You hear that, Elizabeth? I'm coming to join you, honey!"

6. "I'm the king of the world!"

7. "You old fish-eyed fool!"

8. "I'm gonna get you, sucker!"

9. "I'm gonna give you five across the lips!"

10. "You better watch it, sucker!"

These quotes capture Fred Sanford's humor, wit, and iconic personality on the show.

Above is Fred sandford sayings.

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1. Burn rubber, not your soul.2. Diesel: Fueling the passion for the road.3. Diesel: Where power meets performance.4. Life's too short for weak engines.5. Diesel: Built to last, built to blast.6. Diesel: Igniting the drive within.7. Diesel: Turning miles into smiles.8. Strong, steady,