Free printable valentines day sayings

1. "You make my heart happy!"

2. "You're the sprinkles on my cupcake."

3. "Love you to the moon and back."

4. "You're my favorite person to be weird with."

5. "You're the cheese to my macaroni."

6. "You're the peanut butter to my jelly."

7. "You're my sunshine on a cloudy day."

8. "You're the best thing that's ever been mine."

9. "You're my lobster."

10. "You're the missing piece to my puzzle."

Above is Free printable valentines day sayings.

Hockey phrases sayings

1. Skate hard, shoot harder.2. Keep your stick on the ice.3. Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is.4. Hockey is a way of life.5. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.6. Skate fast, hit hard.7. Puck luck is a real thing.8. Hockey players have fire in their hea

Rise and shine porcupine sayings

1. Wake up and prick up, porcupine!2. Time to roll out of bed and show off those quills, porcupine!3. Rise and shine, porcupine! It's a brand new day to strut your spiky stuff.4. Get ready to face the day with your sharp wit and even sharper quills, porcupine!5. Don't be a prickly pear, por

Sayings with the word time

1. Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. - Theophrastus2. Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.' - Lao Tzu3. Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. - William Penn4. Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all i

Lake house sayings

1. Life is better at the lake.2. Cabin time is the best time.3. The lake is my happy place.4. Serenity by the water.5. Lake life, best life.6. Sunshine, water, and good times.7. Every day is a good day at the lake.8. Relax, unwind, and enjoy the view.9. Memories made at the lake las

Trending sayings 2022

1. Stay humble, hustle hard.2. Embrace the journey, trust the process.3. Mindset is everything.4. Progress over perfection.5. Gratitude is the best attitude.6. Be the energy you want to attract.7. Self-care isn't selfish.8. In a world where you can be anything, be kind.9. You are ca

Funny sayings about instagram

1. Instagram: where everyone is a photographer until they drop their phone in the toilet.2. Instagram: where filters make everything look better, including your ex.3. On Instagram, you can have a million followers but still struggle to get a date.4. Instagram: where people post pictures of th

Sayings that are guaranteed to annoy people

1. It is what it is.2. Just relax, everything happens for a reason.3. You're overreacting.4. I told you so.5. You're too sensitive.6. Calm down.7. It's not a big deal.8. You're being dramatic.9. You should smile more.10. You'll understand when you're older.

Princess diana sayings

1. I don't go by the rule book... I lead from the heart, not the head.2. Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.3. Everyone needs to be valued. Everyone has the potential to give something back.4.

Crossing bridge sayings

1. Don't burn bridges you may have to cross later.2. Cross that bridge when you come to it.3. Bridges are meant to be crossed.4. Burn the bridge behind you, but leave a path for others to follow.5. Build bridges, not walls.6. Don't cross the bridge until you come to it.7. The bridge is

Newfoundland weather sayings

1. If the fog creeps up the hill, the weather will go downhill.2. Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in the morning, sailor's warning.3. When the wind is out of the east, 'tis neither good for man nor beast.4. If the seagulls fly inland, expect a storm at hand.5. When the clouds ha