French love sayings for him

1. "Mon amour pour toi est aussi profond que l'océan." (My love for you is as deep as the ocean.)

2. "Tu es mon âme sœur, ma moitié, mon tout." (You are my soulmate, my other half, my everything.)

3. "Avec toi, je me sens complet(e) et comblé(e)." (With you, I feel whole and fulfilled.)

4. "Ton amour est ma force, ma lumière, ma raison de vivre." (Your love is my strength, my light, my reason for living.)

5. "Chaque jour passé à tes côtés est un cadeau précieux." (Every day spent by your side is a precious gift.)

6. "Je t'aime plus que tout au monde, mon amour." (I love you more than anything in the world, my love.)

7. "Tu es la plus belle chose qui me soit arrivée dans la vie." (You are the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me in life.)

8. "Avec toi, chaque instant est magique et inoubliable." (With you, every moment is magical and unforgettable.)

9. "Ton amour est ma boussole, ma direction, mon chemin." (Your love is my compass, my direction, my path.)

10. "Je t'aime plus que les mots ne peuvent le dire." (I love you more than words can express.)

Above is French love sayings for him.

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