French one word best friend sayings

1. "Âme sœur" - soulmate

2. "Complice" - accomplice

3. "Confident" - confidant

4. "Ami(e) fidèle" - loyal friend

5. "Frère de cœur" - brother of the heart

6. "Sœur de cœur" - sister of the heart

7. "Meilleur(e) ami(e)" - best friend

8. "Compagnon de route" - companion on the journey

9. "Main dans la main" - hand in hand

10. "Inseparable" - inseparable

Above is French one word best friend sayings.

Country girl shirts with sayings

Here are some country girl shirts with sayings that you might like:1. Southern Charm, Country Heart2. Raised on Sweet Tea and Sunshine3. Country Girl at Heart4. Boots, Class, and a Little Sass5. Homegrown and Proud6. Messy Hair, Don't Care, Country Girl Style7. Southern Belle with a Wil

Other netflix and chill sayings

1. Let's binge-watch some Netflix and relax.2. How about we Netflix and snuggle?3. Let's Netflix and unwind together.4. Want to Netflix and cozy up on the couch?5. Let's Netflix and chillax.6. How about we Netflix and chill with some popcorn?7. Let's have a Netflix marathon and chill.8

Arizona themed sayings

1. It's a dry heat.2. Keep calm and stay cool in the desert.3. Arizona: where the sun always shines.4. From the Grand Canyon to the Sonoran Desert, Arizona has it all.5. Living the desert dream in Arizona.6. Arizona, where the cacti outnumber the people.7. Sunsets in Arizona are like no

Funny sayings to boyfriend

1. You're the cheese to my macaroni, the peanut butter to my jelly, and the bacon to my eggs.2. I love you more than pizza, and that's saying a lot.3. You're the reason I smile like a fool at my phone.4. You're my favorite notification to receive.5. You're the marshmallow to my hot chocolat

Hillbilly jokes and sayings

Sure, here are a few hillbilly jokes and sayings for you:1. Why did the hillbilly bring a ladder to the bar? He heard the drinks were on the house!2. You might be a hillbilly if your idea of a fancy dinner is a bucket of fried chicken.3. Why did the hillbilly take a ruler to bed? To see how long he

55th birthday sayings

1. Fifty-five and fabulous!2. Aged to perfection at 55.3. Embracing the wisdom of 55 years.4. Halfway to 110!5. 55 years young and still going strong.6. Celebrating 55 years of life, love, and laughter.7. Living life to the fullest at 55.8. Wiser, bolder, and better at 55.9. 55 year

Popular sayings in the 50s

1. Sock hop2. Cool cat3. Daddy-o4. Hipster5. Far out6. Square7. 23 skidoo8. Make the scene9. Cruisin' for a bruisin'10. Duck and cover

Disney sayings shirts

1. Hakuna Matata - The Lion King2. Just keep swimming - Finding Nemo3. Adventure is out there - Up4. Ohana means family - Lilo & Stitch5. To infinity and beyond - Toy Story6. Be our guest - Beauty and the Beast7. Let it go - Frozen8. The bare necessities - The Jungle Book9. A dream

Cute fairy sayings

1. Believe in magic and let your dreams take flight.2. Spread kindness like fairy dust wherever you go.3. Embrace your inner sparkle and shine bright.4. Let your imagination soar on wings of wonder.5. Dance with the flowers and sing with the stars.6. Find joy in the little things, for the

Good chinese new year sayings

1. 恭贺新春,万事如意 (gōng hè xīn chūn, wàn shì rú yì) - Wishing you a prosperous New Year and may all your wishes come true.2. 新年快乐,身体健康 (xīn nián kuài lè, shēn tǐ jiàn kāng) - Happy New Year, and may you have good health.3. 吉祥如意 (jí xiáng rú yì) - May good luck and fortune be with you.4. 事业有成,家庭幸福 (shì yè