French patriotic sayings

1. "Liberté, égalité, fraternité" (Liberty, equality, fraternity) - the national motto of France

2. "Vive la France!" (Long live France!)

3. "En avant la patrie!" (Forward for the homeland!)

4. "La France avant tout" (France above all)

5. "Fiers d'être Français" (Proud to be French)

6. "Pour la gloire de la patrie" (For the glory of the homeland)

7. "Unité, solidarité, grandeur" (Unity, solidarity, greatness)

8. "L'amour de la patrie guide nos pas" (The love of the homeland guides our steps)

9. "La France, terre de liberté et de courage" (France, land of liberty and courage)

10. "Fidèles à notre patrie jusqu'au bout" (Faithful to our homeland until the end)

Above is French patriotic sayings.

How to change your sayings on blackout

To change your sayings on Blackout, you can follow these steps:1. Open the Blackout app on your device.2. Go to the settings or profile section within the app.3. Look for an option that allows you to customize your sayings or quotes.4. Click on that option and enter the new saying or quote that you

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