French revolution sayings in french

1. "Liberté, égalité, fraternité" - Liberty, equality, fraternity (motto of the French Republic)

2. "La République nous appelle, marchons, marchons!" - The Republic calls us, let's march, let's march!

3. "Vive la Révolution!" - Long live the Revolution!

4. "Citoyens, unissez-vous!" - Citizens, unite!

5. "Aux armes, citoyens!" - To arms, citizens! (from the French national anthem, La Marseillaise)

6. "La patrie est en danger!" - The homeland is in danger!

7. "La Terreur est le fléau des tyrans." - Terror is the scourge of tyrants.

8. "La liberté ou la mort!" - Liberty or death!

9. "La guillotine est le juste châtiment des traîtres." - The guillotine is the just punishment for traitors.

10. "Le peuple veut du pain et la liberté." - The people want bread and freedom.

Above is French revolution sayings in french.

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