French sayings about stupidity

1. "La bêtise humaine est la seule chose qui donne une idée de l'infini." - Ernest Renan

Translation: "Human stupidity is the only thing that gives an idea of infinity."

2. "La bêtise, c'est de la faute des autres." - Marcel Pagnol

Translation: "Stupidity is the fault of others."

3. "La bêtise est infiniment plus fascinante que l'intelligence. L'intelligence a des limites, la bêtise n'en a pas." - Claude Chabrol

Translation: "Stupidity is infinitely more fascinating than intelligence. Intelligence has limits, stupidity does not."

4. "Il n'y a que deux choses infinies, l'univers et la bêtise humaine... mais pour l'univers, je n'ai pas de certitude absolue." - Albert Einstein

Translation: "There are only two infinite things, the universe and human stupidity... but for the universe, I have no absolute certainty."

5. "La bêtise est la mère de tous les vices." - Molière

Translation: "Stupidity is the mother of all vices."

Above is French sayings about stupidity.

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