French sayings and meanings

1. "C'est la vie" - This means "That's life" or "Such is life," and is used to express acceptance of a situation or event that cannot be changed.

2. "Petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid" - This translates to "Little by little, the bird builds its nest," and is used to convey the idea that perseverance and patience lead to success.

3. "Qui vivra verra" - This means "Who lives will see," and is used to express the idea that the future is uncertain and that one must wait to see how things will turn out.

4. "L'habit ne fait pas le moine" - This translates to "The habit does not make the monk," and is used to convey the idea that appearances can be deceiving and that one should not judge someone solely based on their outward appearance.

5. "Mieux vaut tard que jamais" - This means "Better late than never," and is used to emphasize the importance of completing a task or taking action, even if it is delayed.

6. "Les chiens aboient, la caravane passe" - This translates to "The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on," and is used to convey the idea that criticism or opposition should not deter one from their goals or plans.

7. "Tout vient à point à qui sait attendre" - This means "Everything comes to those who wait," and is used to emphasize the value of patience and perseverance in achieving one's goals.

Above is French sayings and meanings.

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