French sayings popular educate yourself

1. "Savoir, c'est pouvoir." - Knowledge is power.

2. "La culture coûte cher, mais l'ignorance coûte encore plus cher." - Culture is expensive, but ignorance is even more expensive.

3. "L'éducation est l'arme la plus puissante qu'on puisse utiliser pour changer le monde." - Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. (Nelson Mandela)

4. "On n'est jamais trop vieux pour apprendre." - You're never too old to learn.

5. "L'éducation est l'acquisition de la connaissance, la sagesse est l'acquisition de la sagesse." - Education is the acquisition of knowledge, wisdom is the acquisition of wisdom.

6. "Un livre est un ami qui ne vous trahit jamais." - A book is a friend who never betrays you.

7. "L'éducation est l'art de former des êtres libres." - Education is the art of forming free beings.

Above is French sayings popular educate yourself.

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