French sayings ww1

During World War I, the French soldiers and civilians used a variety of sayings and expressions to convey their experiences and emotions. Some of the popular French sayings from World War I include:

1. "Ils ne passeront pas!" (They shall not pass!) - This famous phrase was used by French General Robert Nivelle to inspire his troops during the Battle of Verdun in 1916.

2. "À l'attaque!" (To the attack!) - A common rallying cry used by French soldiers before charging into battle.

3. "Mourir pour la patrie" (To die for the homeland) - A sentiment expressing the willingness of soldiers to sacrifice their lives for their country.

4. "La der des der" (The last of the last) - A colloquial term used to refer to World War I as the "war to end all wars."

5. "On les aura!" (We will get them!) - A phrase expressing determination and resolve to defeat the enemy.

These sayings reflect the courage, resilience, and patriotism of the French people during the tumultuous period of World War I.

Above is French sayings ww1.

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