French wedding sayings

1. "Vive les mariés!" (Long live the newlyweds!)

2. "Amour, bonheur et félicité!" (Love, happiness, and congratulations!)

3. "Pour la vie et l'éternité!" (For life and eternity!)

4. "Que votre amour soit éternel!" (May your love be eternal!)

5. "Félicitations aux jeunes mariés!" (Congratulations to the newlyweds!)

6. "Que votre mariage soit rempli de bonheur et d'amour!" (May your marriage be filled with happiness and love!)

7. "L'amour est la clé du bonheur conjugal!" (Love is the key to marital happiness!)

8. "Un mariage heureux est un mariage réussi!" (A happy marriage is a successful marriage!)

9. "Que votre union soit bénie!" (May your union be blessed!)

10. "L'amour triomphe toujours!" (Love always triumphs!)

Above is French wedding sayings.

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Book seven i am sayings of jesus christ

The I am sayings of Jesus Christ are a series of statements found in the Gospel of John where Jesus uses the phrase I am to reveal his divine nature and mission. There are seven prominent I am sayings in the Gospel of John:1. I am the bread of life (John 6:35)2. I am the light of the world