Friend valentines sayings

1. "You're the peanut butter to my jelly, the cheese to my macaroni, and the best friend a person could ask for."

2. "Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you!"

3. "You're the sprinkles on my cupcake, the cream in my coffee, and the sunshine on my cloudy days."

4. "You make my heart happy, my soul joyful, and my life complete. Happy Valentine's Day, my dear friend."

5. "Friendship is like a box of chocolates, sweet, comforting, and always there when you need it. Happy Valentine's Day!"

6. "You're the confetti to my party, the laughter in my jokes, and the warmth in my hugs. Happy Valentine's Day, friend!"

7. "You're the music to my dance, the paint to my canvas, and the best friend anyone could have. Happy Valentine's Day!"

8. "Friendship is a treasure, and you, my dear friend, are the most precious gem in my life. Happy Valentine's Day!"

9. "You're the light in my darkness, the smile in my tears, and the rock in my storms. Happy Valentine's Day, dear friend."

10. "You're the cherry on top of my sundae, the stars in my sky, and the best friend a person could wish for. Happy Valentine's Day!"

Above is Friend valentines sayings.

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