Fryske sayings
1. "As de wyn net mei dy is, moatstou mei de wyn wêze." (If the wind is not with you, you must be with the wind.)
2. "Bêste brea is sûnder sâlt." (The best bread is without salt.)
3. "It is better in lyts hûs fol leafde as in grut hûs sûnder leafde." (It is better to have a small house full of love than a big house without love.)
4. "Wa't net stiet nei de wyn, sil net oer de diken komme." (Who does not stand against the wind, will not come over the dikes.)
5. "In âld fûgeltsje sjongt it bêste." (An old bird sings the best.)
6. "In bûterham is in sûkerham." (A buttered bread is a sweet bread.)
7. "As de dei net mei in laits begjint, sil er net mei in laits einigje." (If the day does not start with a laugh, it will not end with a laugh.)
8. "In goed begjin is it healde wurk." (A good start is half the work.)
9. "It is better in goed ein as in goed begjin." (It is better to have a good ending than a good beginning.)
10. "In dei net laitsen is in dei net libbe." (A day without laughter is a day not lived.)
Above is Fryske sayings.
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That's sweet! Here are some cute sayings you can tell your boyfriend:1. You are my sunshine on a cloudy day.2. I love you more than words can express.3. You make my heart skip a beat.4. I'm so lucky to have you in my life.5. You are my rock, my love, my everything.6. Every moment with you
1. Tough times never last, but tough people do.2. Take the road less traveled.3. Trust the process.4. Time heals all wounds.5. The only way out is through.6. True friends are like diamonds – bright, beautiful, valuable, and always in style.7. Tomorrow is a new day.8. The best is yet t