Fun 16th birthday sayings

1. "Sweet 16 and never been so keen!"

2. "Cheers to 16 years of fabulousness!"

3. "Turning 16 and feeling like a queen/king!"

4. "16 candles, 16 wishes, and endless possibilities!"

5. "Sixteen and shining bright like a diamond!"

6. "Here's to 16 years of laughter, love, and unforgettable memories!"

7. "Happy 16th birthday, may your day be as special as you are!"

8. "Welcome to the sweetest year yet, happy 16th!"

9. "Sixteen and loving every moment of it!"

10. "Cheers to another year older, wiser, and more fabulous at 16!"

Above is Fun 16th birthday sayings.

Buckled down sayings

1. Time to buckle down and get to work.2. We need to buckle down and focus on our goals.3. When the going gets tough, it's time to buckle down.4. It's time to buckle down and show what we're made of.5. Let's buckle down and push through this challenge.6. When faced with adversity, it's im

Kentucky hillbilly sayings

1. Well butter my biscuit!2. I'm happier than a pig in slop.3. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.4. He's slicker than snot on a doorknob.5. She's as stubborn as a mule.6. I'm so hungry I could eat the hind leg off a donkey.7. He's crazier than a run-over dog.8. I'm as ner

Funny portuguese sayings

1. Quem não tem cão, caça com gato. (If you don't have a dog, hunt with a cat.) - Meaning: Make do with what you have.2. Quem não tem cão, caça como gato. (If you don't have a dog, hunt like a cat.) - Meaning: Be resourceful and adapt to the situation.3. Quem tem boca vai a Roma. (If you have

Russian sayings about marriage

1. Брак - как птица: одна голова, два крыла. (Marriage is like a bird: one head, two wings.)2. В браке и радость, и горе. (In marriage there is both joy and sorrow.)3. Брак - это не только любовь, но и терпение. (Marriage is not only about love, but also about patience.)4. Брак - это как две

Sayings about being awesome

1. Be so good they can't ignore you.2. Don't be afraid to be awesome.3. Be the kind of person that makes others step up their game.4. Embrace your awesomeness and let it shine.5. You were born to be awesome, don't settle for anything less.6. Being awesome is a choice, choose it every day.

Norse mythology sayings

1. Fear not death, for the hour of your doom is set and none may escape it. - The Poetic Edda2. A man should be loyal through life to friends and to kin. - The Poetic Edda3. The brave man well shall fight and win, though dull his blade may be. - The Poetic Edda4. The wise man is never surpris

Heartfelt sayings for a girl

1. You are the light that brightens up my darkest days.2. In your eyes, I see the beauty of a thousand sunsets.3. Your smile is like a ray of sunshine that warms my soul.4. I could search the world over and never find a heart as pure as yours.5. You are the melody to my heart's song, the rh

Voting finger sayings

1. Your vote is your voice.2. Voting is a privilege, use it wisely.3. Every vote counts.4. Vote like your future depends on it.5. Voting is a civic duty.6. Make your mark, cast your vote.7. The power of change is in your hands.8. Don't complain, vote.9. Democracy is not a spectator

Sayings about good company

1. Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. - Izaak Walton2. Surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you. - Unknown3. A good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have. - Irish Proverb4. In good company, the hours fly by. - Unknown5. Choose

Fox sayings funny

1. Sly as a fox.2. Crazy like a fox.3. Cunning as a fox.4. Quick as a fox.5. Clever as a fox.6. Outfoxed.7. Running with the foxes.8. Crazy like a fox in a henhouse.9. Foxy lady.10. Foxy grandpa.