Funeral sayings for sister

1. "Gone but never forgotten, you will always be in our hearts, dear sister."

2. "In loving memory of a beautiful soul, forever cherished and deeply missed."

3. "Sisters are forever, even in death, your spirit lives on in our memories."

4. "Goodbyes are not forever, they are not the end; they simply mean we'll miss you until we meet again."

5. "A sister's love is a bond that death cannot sever, you will always be a part of us."

6. "Your presence we miss, your memories we treasure, loving you always, forgetting you never."

7. "In the garden of memories, we meet every day, remembering you in every way."

8. "Though you are gone, your love remains, guiding us through our pain."

9. "Sisters share a special bond that time nor distance can break, you will always be with us."

10. "In the arms of angels, may you find eternal peace, dear sister."

Above is Funeral sayings for sister.

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